Feast your eyes
counting since 16th jan 06
I like music. vintage. live bands. jamming. laughing. styling my own hair. kisses. more kisses. cuddling. eating. singing. black. dreams. caffeine. cereal. durians. my peeps, family. night. sea breeze. the rain. scary movies. infatuations.
my, miney
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Baby. Happy 11th month anniversary!! *muacks*
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 6:10 AM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ok..Vivocity is crapppp...other than their GAP..MOOKS..FRED PERRY...YESSS..Its CRAP!!
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 11:06 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Monday, October 23, 2006
Mr usb port is down for the number 4577423623 times. AGAIN.. Sigh...cant upload my "oh-so-photogenic" pics for the time being till Mr usb port is in the mood. Fuck head.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 7:34 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Baby. This song is dedicated to u. U & just U only. I know its sung by a girl.. but lol...
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 12:31 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Woke up at freaking 6+ am today!!! Initial plan was to go JB for breakie....but.... but...due to UNFORSEEN circumstances..........its was SCRAPED.Baby. Thanks for everything.
And once again...me cam-whoring.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 6:18 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
My Tusheez comprises all the BS I think of / experience everyday, spiced up 1000% with absurdity. Read it if u are sucking your thumb or you just lurvve me!
My Life ::
March 2005 |
July 2005 |
August 2005 |
September 2005 |
October 2005 |
November 2005 |
December 2005 |
January 2006 |
February 2006 |
March 2006 |
April 2006 |
May 2006 |
June 2006 |
July 2006 |
August 2006 |
September 2006 |
October 2006 |
November 2006 |
December 2006 |
January 2007 |
February 2007 |
March 2007 |
April 2007 |
May 2007 |
June 2007 |
July 2007 |
August 2007 |
September 2007 |
October 2007 |
November 2007 |
December 2007 |
January 2008 |
February 2008 |
March 2008 |
April 2008 |
May 2008 |
June 2008 |
July 2008 |
August 2008 |
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My Japanese name is Dokuohtei Abukara.
miney sniffing | phoenix snoozingly | alexanda mcqueeningly | chivas regalling | abosolut raspberringly | dogs lovering | jamming maddenly | jappie hairstyling | punk rock fashion tasting | haru sushing | holland v fonduing | rollerbladdingly | distinction stressingly / my beckabooingly
besides that, Iam a grouchie grouch.
Take The Kawaii Japanese Name Generator by Shuichigami today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
.Me.Me.Me.JUST ME.
.U Jin.
.Happily attached and gonna marry her.
.SIM - RMIT - Bachelors in economics & finance.