Feast your eyes
counting since 16th jan 06
I like music. vintage. live bands. jamming. laughing. styling my own hair. kisses. more kisses. cuddling. eating. singing. black. dreams. caffeine. cereal. durians. my peeps, family. night. sea breeze. the rain. scary movies. infatuations.
my, miney
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Vault 02 party at zouk co-organised by MTV. Well......lotsa act-preppy, act-punk rockish, act-hiphop, act-adult wannabes fuck heads. This happens when its rated 16yrs and above.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 4:52 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Monday, May 28, 2007
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 7:35 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Mundane mundane work every single day. Iam bored.
Ok... these ready made * i-dunno-what-brand * pasta aint that fantastic as what their packet cover shows.. Cheaters. Everything tastes the same.
But OMG. These sandwiches are the exact opposite of the stupid pasta. FABULICIOUS! YUMMILICIOUS! Courtesy of my dear lil' burpies. *muacks* She make the best sandwiches in this entire world! Arghhhh! Hopefully there's some left for me tomorrow. Tuna mayo sandwich, Egg sandwich, Ham & cheese sandwich! arghhhhhh..... Babyyyyyyy!!
The new show that we are catching right now. Hmmm...its about bones..the lab's filled with bones...she's bones...he called her bones...they found lotsa bones...big bones...little bones...bones being blasted all around...bones been eaten by flesh eating bugs...bones found in a river...bones here and bones there...bones....yeah.....bones...hahahaaa...
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 7:56 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Monday, May 21, 2007
Jinpies has caught a pervert today. Too bad, he got me on my bad day.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 7:56 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Sunday, May 20, 2007
3 consecutive days of mahjong-ing gives u a sore neck + sore back + sore ass.Does the "hotness" factor of the bf fizzles out as the relationship goes on?
1 - 6 months ==> Baby... u're so friggin hot! Just cant wait to see ya every single day every single min. Sex in abundance...Mushy SMSes in galore.
6 - 12 months ==> Yeah... u're hot baby. Cant wait to see ya. Sex often...Mushy SMSes every now and then.
12 - 18 months ==> Ya...not bad...pretty hot. Sex once in a blue blue moon....Mushy SMSes...sorrie...minus the mushy.
18months onwards till marriage ==> U're getting fat baby...Sex?? What's sex?? SMSes?? oh ya... "remember to off the stove" "buy dinner urself" blah blah blah....
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 4:03 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 10:43 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Do all dog lovers consciously or sub-consciously pay more attention to their dogs? Probably..else u wouldnt be tagged a dog LOVER in the first place. Make sense. I guess if anything bad were to happen to Michael..I'll probably let myself run down by a car and die straight away. Let me leave this rigorous of a slave world behind. Here I come Michael.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 1:35 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Friday, May 11, 2007
I just cant stand waking up at 5.30am every morning. It sucks real bad.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 12:22 AM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I hate reservist training. use the fucking money and buy the whole fucking nepal and pay them to guard our fucking nation, just like they guard the rich ministers. it's better if singaporean men like myself concentrate on our "core competencies" and contribute to the economy like the slaves that we are. we don't need the extra burden.
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 8:53 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Hello world! Iam finally FINALLY F.I.N.A.L.L.Y ANALLY *that word just surfaced out of my mind right after the word - finally...randomness of randomness*People can brag about " Hey...Iam working at u know where! The hippest and gay-est shop! NewUrbanMale "
People can gasbag about " Hey...Iam working at u know where! Guc**, Chan*l, Louis Vuit*on...yada..yada... "
U Jin screams " Iam University of London's Invigilator!!
::..::..::..::..::..::..:: pillows, bolsters & blankets @ 2:22 PM ::..::..::..::..::..::..::
My Tusheez comprises all the BS I think of / experience everyday, spiced up 1000% with absurdity. Read it if u are sucking your thumb or you just lurvve me!
My Life ::
March 2005 |
July 2005 |
August 2005 |
September 2005 |
October 2005 |
November 2005 |
December 2005 |
January 2006 |
February 2006 |
March 2006 |
April 2006 |
May 2006 |
June 2006 |
July 2006 |
August 2006 |
September 2006 |
October 2006 |
November 2006 |
December 2006 |
January 2007 |
February 2007 |
March 2007 |
April 2007 |
May 2007 |
June 2007 |
July 2007 |
August 2007 |
September 2007 |
October 2007 |
November 2007 |
December 2007 |
January 2008 |
February 2008 |
March 2008 |
April 2008 |
May 2008 |
June 2008 |
July 2008 |
August 2008 |
adopt your own virtual pet! |
My Japanese name is Dokuohtei Abukara.
miney sniffing | phoenix snoozingly | alexanda mcqueeningly | chivas regalling | abosolut raspberringly | dogs lovering | jamming maddenly | jappie hairstyling | punk rock fashion tasting | haru sushing | holland v fonduing | rollerbladdingly | distinction stressingly / my beckabooingly
besides that, Iam a grouchie grouch.
Take The Kawaii Japanese Name Generator by Shuichigami today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
.Me.Me.Me.JUST ME.
.U Jin.
.Happily attached and gonna marry her.
.SIM - RMIT - Bachelors in economics & finance.